
Today I am doing the the last layers of my painting. And touching up on all my blog posts. The hardest part is getting the right size of paint brush. And slowly getting in the lines. Next time i´m going to be finished so i´m going to hang it up next period. This is the finished project.
Today I did my back ground and traced outside the letters. The hardest part was tracing it because I had to do it so slow and carefully.  I accidently smudged green on the background and to fix that I mad a bunch of smudges for my background. Next week I'm going to finish my painting by putting all the final coats on and touching up my background.
I did a double vans I like to call it and i´m going to do the background then be done. A problem that accured is I did the vans before the background so that mad it hard. I solved that problem by slowly painting the background. Hopefully when I´m done it will look better and the teacher will be satisfied. This is one of his paintings.
1. Blu's most favorite  art is the big baby. 2. Blu uses spray paint as a medium. 3.Blu started spray painting in New York. 4. His best time period is now because he still paints. 5. No one knows who Blu really is. 5. The double man is the one that inspired me to do my painting.                                       This painting is named Medusa                                      This one is named Don't let money take you prisoner

grading criteria

Blog Grading Criteria The following criteria below outlines how each blog post will be graded Blog - Each blog post must contain specific criteria: Your blog will have: Eight complete sentences with proper capitalization, punctuation, and no spelling errors. Each blog post will be about your experience while working on your project. Your blog will contain the following information: Two sentences will describe in detail a project update. “What did I do on my project?” Two sentences will explain in detail my biggest problem while working on my project. Two sentences will explain in detail the solution to my biggest problem. Two sentences that conclude your post. Here are a few suggestions to help you with your conclusion: What do I plan to do next? What materials do I need? Or a simple wrap up. Two photos or images of my project are included. You are NOT required to be in the photos. Important Information Students are required to email Mr. Ritter a link to